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Showing posts with the label #Economy

The Bust & Boom Economic Cycle! Basic Explanation! Short Article! (#88)

  Our Economy tends to go through ups & downs constantly! These Economic Ups & Downs are what we can also consider as the Bust & Boom Economic Cycle. Here's what Bust & Boom really means.... Bust 📉 is when an Economy shrinks & Share Prices tends to fall, basically Share Market is Bearish & Investors loose money...., less job opportunities & more unemployment...., overall the Economy is Down! While; Boom is the Complete opposite of Bust! Boom 📈 is when an Economy grows & Share Prices tends to rise, basically Share Market is Bullish/On a Bull Run & Investors earns profits from the rising Stock prices & tends to Invest more...., there are more job opportunities & less unemployment...., overall everything is functioning smoothly & Economy is in a good condition! & that's it for today! I hope you understood What Bust & Boom really means.... Hope this Short Article was helpful! Thanks For Reading!

First Economic Bubble : Tulip Mania! All You Need To Know 'bout Tulip Mania! (#62)

Tulip mania is seen/known as the First Economic Bubble in History.... Here's a Youtube Video I found that explains it well....: I hope you enjoyed learning about "Tulip Mania", via video! Thanks For Being Here, Today!