Powerful Quotes By Powerful People! Must Read Life Changing Quotes By Well know Personalities! (#68)
Here Are 11 Powerful Quotes.... Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. If opportunity doesn't knock; build a door! It always seems impossible until it's done! When you feel like quitting, think about why you started! Throw me to the wolves & I'll come back leading the pack. You have to go ahead, even if no one goes with you! Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time with more experience & more intelligently! The Customer is the King//Queen! The service is all that matters in a Business! If you do build a great experience, customers will tell each other about it. Word mouth is very Powerful! The world is changing way too fast. The Big will not beat the Small anymore. But, it will be the fast beating the slow & also the Bold beating the Smart! Common sense is not common these days. The opportunities that everyone can't see are the real opportunities! Anyways; so thats all for today....! Hope Y...