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Showing posts with the label #HelloWorld

Hello World! (#1)

  Hello Readers! Ummm.... I'm not here just to say hello! I mean, another main motive of this post is to let you know that there is no stranger behind the screen who's writing this on the internet! It's kind of really awkward 'cuz its a bit weird, kind of.... & it's not easy to really be that expressive through text! I hope you understand that! You know I'm not being rude at all even if it seems like! So give me a chance to introduce myself & this legendary website, too & also take a moment in the middle to know why did I started Blogging & clear your doubts with some clarifications. So here we go, Who Am I? My name is Piya Sharma . & I was born & raised in India . & I'm a 9 th grader currently studying in India. >>10th Grader, now.... as of 2022. A LITTLE CLARIFICATION! (maybe required?!) Here! [Because I'm a 10th grader with no job or work experience, myself!] Okayyyy...