So today, we're going to talk.... about SALES. It can be the most high paying job of all time if you know how to do it properly. First of all...., we don't require to look at anything else rather than your product.... I'll explain 'Cuz if your product is a very basic one &/OR some such sort which people will like to drop or you know in short, won't like to buy AGAIN then it's literally a fail.... as you can only sell such a product once or moreover twice but now or then.... everyone would know the reality and warn their friends & family 'bout your awful product & service.... & then the GAME IS OVER FOR YOU! So if you want your business & your products to constantly generate revenue for you.... then No. 1 is to focus on the quality of your product.... & also how well you do the packaging TO make it an unforgettable product with an outstanding service! Second of all.... Go to people who really need it.... this one is the pretty obviou...