Have you ever wondered why Youtubers & Social Media influencers.... & sometimes even Bloggers are sponsoring stuff of other comapnies.... why are they doing so.... & every single show, nowadays is made "in partnership with"/ simply "sponsored by" various Companies!
We see there logos on the screens & in sports we see players wearing such Jersey's which have the Company's logo printed on'em.
Let's take a moment to have look at.... what exactly happens!
Now, first off I wanna make one thing clear that everybody here is making a profit.... whether if the Company OR just someone who is simply talking 'bout a certain product or sponsoring it, basically!
So, let's say that there's a Company....
& it isn't that famous.... 'cuz it's a new one.... okay!
So ofcourse this Company may have its billboards & ads & all.... but it still wanna speed up the process and create the 'Brand Awareness' among people.... now for that they reach out to such— Youtubers & Social Media Influencers & Bloggers; who have a good amount of audience & the "right target audience" for them.
Now, here with the term.... "Right Target Audience", I mean that.... for example if the Company is like a Fashion/Clothing Company then it will reach such— Youtubers, Bloggers, & Social Media Influencers.... who create content related to that particular topic/niche & hence....have such audience which is interested in that particular niche/topic....
So if the Company will be promoted by those Youtubers in their "fashion related" videos, Bloggers in their "fashion" blogs & Influencers in their posts then the RIGHT PEOPLE or we can say the RIGHT AUDIENCE.... will come to know about this particular new Fashion Company & hence they may proceed to take an action to buy some clothing from thta Company....which'll be simply profitable for that Company, itself.
So hence it's sort of profitable, for the Company & basically sponsorship is just like advertising.
But what do the people who sponsored/promoted stuff get....?
Well, they basically get paid for promoting the Company's product by the Company....
& sometimes they even get free products &/OR special offers from those Companies!
& the same is with the shows.... have you seen that in reality shows the winners are gifted a car, which is of the same Company the show is sponsored by their.... & by giving away a car in a show its viewers will see the model & become aware of that car's Company & the new Model!
& ofcourse, the Sponsors pay money to/for the Show's expenses.
One thing, Not To Mention.... is that many Companies really have Contracts with Celebrities/Youtubers/Shows, etc., etc. .... & due to these contracts.... these Celebs/Youtubers may not be able to show or use some other Companies product especially the one's which are in compitition with the Company you are sponsored by!
I hope it makes sense!
So now, let's have a basic overview....
First the companies reach the people (Youtubers, Bloggers, Social Media Influencers)/shows with the right audience-- then pay'em to promote the product.... they promote it.... Brand Awareness is created & the Company gets a chance to meet new customers!
Alright, So I hope this article/blog makes sense to you.
So, thats all for today....
Thanks For Reading!
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